Hello” – Mr. Dave

Now that you two have met, it’s time to share some information about Semi-Official Game Company’s one-man-show Mr. Dave! Or simply Mr. Dave if you prefer. If there is a thing that sums up Mr. Dave completely it is imagination. Every toy he comes across. The countless Saturday morning cartoons absorbed. The volume of comic books poured through. The different games he plays. Even each song he hears, spawn visions and thoughts of new worlds and possibilities that must be explored. This even guided his past occupations.

Going out for…
coffee with sweeite = THE BEST!
Mr. Dave as his old MNRHQ avatar

Mr. Dave took on many titles, and explored many paths, before deciding to put everything he has learned into making people happy through games. Some of the fun paths include Corporate Trainer, Manager of online video game communities, Technical Writer, Web Designer, 3D Map Maker, Illustrator, Custom Toy Maker. He was also briefly a puppeteer, puppet maker, and even an actual puppet.

Through it all Mr. Dave has been an avid lover of all games. Running his first gaming convention table while in 8th grade was brave for 1984 (stop doing the math!). More so as it was also his first custom game. He used a stack of “Lost Worlds” game books from FASA Games (look it up! … or click here) to perform combat, and a collection of matching Ral Partha figures (you can click here for that one too) to represent the players. Dave, as he was called then, ran a 3D dungeon delve one-shot story he wrote that used rules of his own creation to fit.

Forty game filled years later (NO MATH!), and now going by “Mr. Dave” that 8th grader gets to live his dream, using his imagination and games to make others laugh and have fun together.

Continued on – MAXPREY.COM P1